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Changes to KS1 (end of Year 2) assessments

I am writing to inform you about changes the DfE have made to KS1 assessments following consultation on primary assessment.  From this academic year, end of KS1 (end of Year 2) assessments will no longer be statutory.  There is no requirement for schools to report KS1 teacher assessment back to the Government or to report results from end of KS1 assessments to parents. 


The reception baseline assessment (RBA) will replace the end of KS1 assessment as the baseline for primary progress measures.  Our current Year 2 children did the RBA when they were in Reception in October 2021, and therefore this will be the progress measure when our Year 2 children are in Year 6 in 2028.  Each year our reception children complete this assessment in their first 6 weeks of starting school.

We will of course still be using effective assessment throughout our teaching and learning, so we know what the children have learnt and what they need to learn next.  Year 2 children will still receive their annual report (the same as Year 1 to 6) at the beginning of the summer term informing parents about their child's general progress.  


If you have any queries, please speak to your child's class teacher.
