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Christmas Events 2023

Christmas Events


10th November 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,


We are really looking forward to all of our Christmas Celebrations this year. The children will be doing lots of lovely Christmas activities in class too. Please read the information below regarding all Christmas Events that are coming up here at school.


Christmas Card Post Box

From 1st December, there will be a Christmas Card Post Box in the Nursery, Reception, Infants and the Juniors.  The children are welcome to post their cards to be delivered to their friends and teachers in this box.  Please can you ensure that they have the child’s full name, year group and class on to help our post people get them to the right person.


Christmas Wrapping Morning

Father Christmas would like a little help with wrapping the presents, as his elves are so busy already.  We would like to ask if there are any parents or grandparents who feel they can give us an hour or two of their time on the morning of 6th December to help, starting at 8.50am after dropping off. We will provide the wrapping paper, scissors and sellotape. You will be rewarded with a mince pie, beverage, some Christmas tunes and good conversation.  If you are able to help please contact the school office.  We will meet at the junior site. 


Christmas Lunch & Jumpers

Christmas lunch is a lovely opportunity for the school staff and children to celebrate Christmas together. Children can also come to school wearing their Christmas Jumpers on their lunch day.


Date of Lunch


Tuesday 5th December

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 7th December

Years 3-6


A Google form will be sent to you shortly via text/email so you can let us know if your child will be having the lunch. Please complete this by Friday 24th November. After this date, no other numbers will be added as the food will be ordered. Please complete one form for each child.


If your child in Year 3 to 6 does not want a Christmas Lunch, they will need to bring a packed lunch on this day as there will be no other options. (This does not apply to Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children as they will all have the Christmas Lunch, please still fill in the online form to let us know if your child will have the meat or veg option)


Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are covered for this lunch by the Universal Free School Meals. All other years, the cost of the meal is £2.60; this will be paid for by the usual Parent Pay System. Please ensure your child has enough funds in their account on the day of Christmas Lunch.


Christmas Lunch Menu

Mains: Roast Turkey or Quorn Roast

Sides: Roast Potatoes, Pigs in Blankets (not for Nursery), Stuffing, Carrots, Broccoli and Gravy

Dessert: Festive Chocolate & Vanilla Ice-cream Pot


Christmas Concerts

We are delighted to invite you to our Christmas Carol Concerts this year. The children are all working really hard to make the concert festive and entertaining; we hope you will be able to join us at this event.

A letter will be coming out shortly for you to reserve tickets for your child’s concert. Unfortunately, due to fire regulations we are only able to offer 2 tickets per family for the concert. We look forward to seeing you there.


Date &Time of Concert


Thursday 14th December 9.00am

Year 1

Friday 15th December 9.00am

Year 2

Monday 18th December 9.00am

Year 4

Tuesday 19th December 9.00am


Wednesday 20th December 9.00am

Year 3


Christmas Parties

Each year group will be having a Christmas Party. We would like the children to come to school in their party clothes on their party day and wear them all day.


We would appreciate you helping with food for the parties. The children will be having a normal school dinner on their party day, but some treats for the parties would still be appreciated.  Please could you send the treats in with your child on their party day and they will be distributed for the children to share. We request that you make sure there are no nuts, strawberries or bananas in anything to ensure children with allergies are safe. School will provide drinks, cups and plates.  This year we are asking for;


  • the boys to bring in savoury items. Please send some vegetarian options too as lots of our children are vegetarian (for example pakoras, vegetable sausage rolls, cheese bites, crisps)
  • the girls to bring in the desserts (for example cakes/ buns, biscuits, chocolates)


The Christmas parties will take place in the afternoons on the following dates.


Date of Party


Wednesday 13th December

Year 5

Friday 15th December

Year 3

Monday 18th December

Year 1 & Year 4

Tuesday 19th December

Nursery & Reception

Wednesday 20th December

Year 2 & Year 6


Nursery Christmas Workshop

We are delighted to invite Nursery parents to a Christmas Workshop. This will take place on Wednesday 20th December at 10am in the Infant school hall.

A letter will be coming out shortly for you to reserve tickets. Unfortunately, due to fire regulations we are only able to offer 2 tickets per family. We look forward to seeing you there.


Last Day of Term- Thursday 21st December

The last day of term will be Thursday 21st December. All children can come to school in Christmas Jumpers/ Non-uniform on this day.


Best wishes

Anna Cvijetic

