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  • COVID-19 cases and our procedures to ensure safety

    Mon 28 Feb 2022 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As you will know, from Thursday 24 February the government removed remaining domestic restrictions in England. This includes changes for schools, such as no longer recommending regular testing for pupils and staff without symptoms and removing the legal requirement for people to isolate following a positive test - this includes school pupils and all staff in mainstream education.


    Although there is no longer the legal requirement to self-isolate, a child or member of staff with any of the main COVID-19 symptoms should order a PCR test and will not be allowed to attend school while awaiting the result or if the subsequent result is positive. Children with symptoms who do not obtain a PCR test must remain away from school.

    Parents/carers will be asked to collect their child if they develop symptoms whilst at school. In these cases, children (and staff) must stay away from school for 5 full days and may return after if they obtain 2 negative lateral flow test results on consecutive days, or after a total of 10 full days after the symptoms started if they feel well.


    The three main symptoms remain: • a high temperature • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours • a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.


    Children should continue to attend school if they have not tested positive for COVID-19 and are well enough to do so. Children who are at home should access remote learning.

    Furthermore, it is no longer advised that pupil or staff with positive close contacts need to test daily for 7 days. However, the school may be advised by our local public health team to recommend lateral flow device (LFD) tests to manage an outbreak.  You are still currently able to order LFD tests from the NHS website.


    Please be reassured that for most children, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. However, the school will continue to observe good hand hygiene, cleaning regimes, ventilation requirements and other measures to manage the risk of transmission.


    I have updated our risk assessment and this is on the school website (in Letters).  


    Best wishes


    Anna Cvijetic


  • A beautiful rainbow

    Thu 24 Feb 2022 Anna Cvijetic

    A beautiful rainbow captured over our infant building.

  • World Book Day 2022

    Thu 10 Feb 2022


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March, and we would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. World Book Day celebrates the joy and value of books and reading. We would also like to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, on the same day. Throughout the day, we have a range of Harry Potter themed activities for the children to take part in and enjoy.


    For Reception – Y6, this will take place on Thursday 3rd March and we are inviting the children to dress up as a Harry Potter character. Please don’t feel the need to go out and buy an outfit for this – your child could come into school wearing a red, blue, yellow or green tie and/or a black piece of material or even a bin bag as a cape! They could also wear a Halloween costume if they already have one at home.


    Nursery will celebrate World Book Day by holding a witches/wizards themed day on Monday 28th February. They may dress up as witches or wizards if they wish.


    Nurseries, schools and libraries across the UK celebrate World Book Day with a huge range of events and activities. Your child will also receive a £1 book token – sponsored by National Book Tokens. You can join us in building your child’s enthusiasm for books well beyond World Book Day by reading together regularly and joining your local library if you are not yet members. For more information about World Book Day and ideas on sharing books at home, visit Children are never too young to start their journey with books, and the benefits of reading are enormous - so we hope, like us, you will use World Book Day to celebrate it with your child.


    Best wishes


    Anna Cvijetic

