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Changes to Free School Meal (benefit related) provision

Dear Parents and Carers,


The Local Authority are changing how we provide a free school meal for children that are currently eligible for benefits related free school meals who are not in school because of the partial closure due to Covid-19.  Children who are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who have ‘Universal Free School Meals’ are not eligible. 


The North Lincolnshire Council Catering Service are moving to a weekly grocery bag.  This will contain bread, butter, sandwich filling, fresh fruit, cucumber and some biscuits.  It is planned that this will last parents a week to be able to make their own pack up at home.  By doing this it will mean parents are better able to 'stay home' as advised, coming out for this only once a week, rather than daily.  The grocery bags are being prepared from 'hub' kitchens and will be delivered to our school.


The plan:

- our bags will be ready for collection every Wednesday at 12:00 until 12:30 (1.4.20, 8.4.20, 15.4.20) including through the Easter holidays

- collect your bag from the main Infant entrance

- please wait outside and maintain social distancing from other people (2 metres) 

- one person at a time can enter the hall to collect their bag

- there will be a bag for each child that is eligible

- once you have the lunch please leave the premises immediately.


Some parents have been asking for the Voucher Scheme.  Unfortunately the government are not ready to distribute these currently, but we believe they are working to get this system up and running in the near future.  We will ensure we communicate any updates on this as soon as they are available.


Please come and get your grocery bags, I believe they will be worth you coming out for and hope they may help towards easing the financial strain I am sure many of your are under.


Best wishes


Anna Cvijetic

