This is story about friendship and sharing.
Sally and the Limpet by Simon James; a heartwarming story about a girl who learned an important environmental lesson.
Autumn 2
Riddles and Poetry
To start the term as it was Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day in quick succession we decided to work on our poetry skills.
Curriculum Topic: Blue Planet
After this we worked on some writing about the trip. We began this by learning how to write in first person, we then completed a trip recount followed by a letter thanking the deep for having us to visit.
We then developed some of our reading comprehension skills starting with retrieval to learn more about the oceans. Our knowledge of the oceans and its inhabitants was then further developed by learning how to write questions and complete research to write a leaflet.
Curriculum Topic: Christmas Toys
For the last two weeks of term we moved onto our final Autumn curriculum topic which was Christmas Toys.
We started by writing instructions to create our own clay snowman which the children then completed during a DT session.
We then completed some more reading comprehension work and learnt about prediction and predicted the beginning of our focus story 'The Old Toy Room'.
The children then used images from the story to retell it in their own words and completed a retrieval reading lesson to show their understanding of the story.