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EIS Athletics in Sheffield

We travelled to the EIS (English Institute of Sport) to compete in an athletics competition against other school from North Lincolnshire. This event really is the jewel in the crown that the Get Ahead Partnership put on for us. 

As we walked through the doors and onto the stunning (blue) indoor athletics track, several of our Year 3 children let out little gasps of excitement as they have never experienced anything like this before. Just walking into such an arena is something many of us will never be able to do and so it was lovely to see such wholesome reactions.

The competition on the day was very tough and although our athletes gave it their all, we finished 4th out of 5 schools. we were missing our year 4 children, it has given our year 3's the chance to see what might be in store for them again next year. 

Well done everyone!

Some lovely group photos
