School Councillors
This year, Summer has been voted in by her peers to be our class School Councillor. I am in no doubt that you will be an amazing class representative and do a fantastic job! A very close second and our excellent Vice School Councillor will be the lovely Amy. Very well done, girls. It is always such an honour to be chosen by your peers and you two thoroughly deserve the roles.
Our Eco Ambassador
This year, our Eco Ambassador is Summer. A huge well done Daisy. You will be brilliant and Mrs Burnett is very lucky to have you on her team,
Language Buddies
Christina and Mukarramaha have been chosen to be this year's Language Buddies and I am sure that they will do an excellent job! Well done, girls.
Maths Ambassadors
Our very capable Maths Ambassadors this year will be the lovely Lennon and Summer. These two will be working with out maths lead, Mrs Nunes and Mrs Harling, throughout the year to support in the subject throughout the school. They will do a wonderful job!
House Captains
A huge congratulations to all of the children who put themselves forward to be House or Vice Captains. You all did so well!
A big well done to those who were chosen in a vote by their peers. Olivia and Jake were those chosen from 6 Oak and I know they will do an amazing job!
Our lovely buddies looking very smart and ready to do a wonderful job in the role.