Home Page

- Welcome

Welcome to our school website.  We have a dedicated team of staff all with the same aim - to provide the very best education and experiences for your child during their primary years.  We want each and everyone of our children to reach their full potential and we make sure every day helps their learning journey.  Every child is special and unique and we celebrate our diverse population, knowing we are creating positive citizens for our future world. We want to give our children Every Chance to succeed Every Day.



At Berkeley Primary we are working hard to achieve the School of Sanctuary Award which recognises the diversity and welcoming environment we are so proud of.  Please visit our School of Sanctuary page to see what this looks like at our school.


School of Sanctuary page


We never lose sight of the importance of basic skills in English and Maths.  We also see oracy development as a priority. We want our children to become confident and competent communicators and to be able to use these skills in all areas of the curriculum.  Children will become 'future ready' by learning to express and articulate their own views, as well as listen sensitively and respectfully to the views of others.  We want our children to be able to make a positive contribution to both the local and global community.  'Every child at Berkeley Primary will find their voice.'  We have been working with 'Voice 21' and 'The Open University Reading for Pleasure' programmes to help us achieve our aims.


In addition, we strive to provide excellent opportunities for children to shine in many other areas including sport, music, drama, art and computing.  We expect children to make good educational progress and be proud of their own and their school's achievements.


Our visitors comment on the happy, positive and caring atmosphere in our school.  They have particularly commented on what a great attitude to learning the children have, the excellent behaviour and the good manners our children display.  


The staff and I are looking forward to building productive partnerships with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.  We know a strong partnership with families will make a great difference to your child's education. 


I hope you find this website useful and informative, and that it gives you a window into some of the exciting things happening in school.  Please check back regularly as we keep it up-to-date and add new items.  We also have an App for your Smartphone, you can get this from your app store by typing in TheSchoolApp, then select Berkeley Primary School.  Our app links to this website.


Our website gives you lots of information, but it is even better to see for yourselves.  If you would like to meet with us in person, please do not hesitate to pop in to school or ring to make an appointment.


We thank you for your support and look forward to meeting you and your child.


Mrs Anna Cvijetic



