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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Our teachers are:

Oak - Rachel Jones

Holly - Sam Nunes

Beech - Tom Fell


Click on the leaves to find out more about the individual classes.

Our topics this year are:

Autumn Term - Trains, Remembrance, Christmas Around the World.

Spring Term - Our Monarchy, New Life.

Summer Term - Bangladesh, Wild.


Please take a look at this link if you would like to see more about your child's curriculum and what they are learning each term. 

Subjects and Curriculum Plans | Berkeley Primary School

Haiku Poetry

This week, the children will be writing a Haiku poem. Below is a video that explains how to write a Haiku poem.

Mrs Armitage on Wheels - Written by Quentin Blake

Our story this week is, 'Mrs Armitage on wheels' - Written and illustrated by Quentin Blake. Mrs Armitage loves her Bicycle! Breakspear, her Dog, loves running alongside, They go everywhere together! Mrs Armitage decides to make a few improvements to her bike, Does she go a bit too far?

There is also a video on BBC iplayer of the story.

Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers I Read Aloud

In English, the first class book the children have read is Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
The children completed a Found Poster for the penguin, sequenced the story and were able to retell the story.
