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Information Technology

Pupils learn to login and use a range of devices including tablets, Chromebooks and Windows laptops during their time at Berkeley Primary School. The skills pupils learn are transferable. 

In the EYFS, children draw and write on tablets and interactive screens. They take photos and record their voice. 


In Year 1, pupils compare ways to create artwork including through digital technology. They recreate artworks including Mondrian and Matisse. They learn to use a mouse/mousepad and keyboard to add, edit and remove text and format text in different ways. 


In Year 2 pupils apply their typing skills to read, reply to and send emails. They learn that computers can be used to create music. They recognise the patterns in music and how this can be replicated on a computer. They begin to recognise how computers can help us to interpret and sort data. Pupils learn that objects can be sorted by their atributes and interpret and create pictograms digitally.

In Year 3 pupils consider how text and graphics are used together to successfully convey meaning. They evaluate different publications and use desktop publishing software to experiment with different layouts and font choices. Pupils also build on their knowledge of data handling through learning about branching databases. 

In Year 4, children develop an understanding of how digital images can be changed, edited, resaved and reused and consider the impact that editing images can have. They recognise input and output devices and understand ownership of digital audio and the copyright
implications of duplicating the work of others. They apply this understanding whilst creating a podcast, recording and combining audio tracks.
When data handling, pupils consider how and why data is collected over time.
They recognise sensors as input devices used to gather data. They collect data using data loggers and use a computer to review and analyse it. 

In Year 5, children plan, record, edit and manipulate video clips, building on their prior learning of audio editing. They also learn about vectors and create vector images made of shapes, using a range of tools, developing an understanding of layers.  Pupils also continue to develop their knowledge of data handling, recognising that a spreadsheet is a computer application which allows users to organise, analyse, and store data in a table. They begin to use formulas  understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. 

In Year 6, pupils create 3D images, building upon their prior knowledge of using layers when creating vectors. Pupils also  identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. They pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths. When data handling, pupils understand how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records, use tools within a database to order and answer questions and create graphs and charts.
