We are very proud of how our children dress in school, and encourage a sense of pride and belonging in the school. It is essential that children are dressed suitably and sensibly and follow the school uniform. Their dress should facilitate free participation in indoor and outdoor activities.
Our required uniform is;
Top (jumper, cardigan, hoody)………........Royal blue (School logo optional)
Shirt, blouse, polo sports shirt……………...White or light blue
Skirt, pinafore………………………………………...Grey
Trousers, shorts……………………………………...Grey
Summer dress (optional)………………..…....Blue and white gingham.
Shoes……………………………………………..…......Black school shoes
Black school shoes should be worn, these can be black trainers without a logo. Any child wearing unsuitable shoes or trainers to school will be asked to wear a pair of school’s black plimsolls for the day and we would expect them to come in black shoes the next day. Children may wear suitable sandals in the summer.
It is essential that your child’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name. Our Lost Property is full of identical school jumpers with no name in them.
Website- My Clothing
Uniform can be purchased from the website www.myclothing.com. Once on the website, please select Berkeley Primary School from the list. You will then be able to choose the items you wish to purchase. Payment is made with a debit or credit card at the check out and then your order will be delivered to your home address.
The colours we have chosen are also widely available from all school uniform providers and also second-hand retailers. At the end of the summer term we have a pre-loved uniform stall where uniform can be recycled (no charge for items).
Pre-Loved Clothing
If you have any uniform that your children have grown out of and that is still in good condition, please send it in to school. We have a Pre-Loved uniform cabinet in the front entrance, please pop in and help yourself.
PE Uniform
We have a PE uniform and this is also available to purchase from My Clothing.
Our PE uniform is;
T-shirt………………………………… White (School logo optional) or light blue
Jogging bottoms……..………… Navy Blue or black
Shorts……………..………………… Navy Blue or black
Plimsolls (for indoor) ..……… Black
Trainers (for outdoors)……… Any suitable
Hair, Makeup and Jewellery
Children's hair should be tied up if it is long enough.
For safety and security reasons we do not allow the wearing of jewellery at the school. Rings, necklaces, etc. should not be worn and where earrings are worn, these should be studs only, and should be removed on PE days. Sports earrings are permitted. Watches may be worn by our children but the school accepts no responsibility for them.
Make-up is not seen as appropriate for children to wear during school session times. Coloured nail varnish is not allowed to be worn by children during school hours.