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"The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together."


Barack Obama


At Berkeley Primary School, we aim to create geographers that are KS3 ready. The curriculum is designed to enhance and challenge pupils' knowledge of their locality and to help them understand more about their community, neighbours and cultures. Additionally, we aim to give children 'cultural capital', allowing children to ascertain an understanding of the world and its peoples beyond their vicinity. Subsequently, we want children to understand the human nature of geography, to demonstrate disciplinary knowledge and to recognise the impact location has on substantive concepts. We believe that teaching a purposeful and thorough geography curriculum allows children to open their horizons and understand the contemporary, social and ethical issues which are becoming increasingly more important. As a result, children should be able to recall key facts and perform key skills. Moreover, children should be independent, conscientious and responsible geographers. Our aim is to ensure that children can use their geography knowledge to make comparisons, form opinions, and understand their role in making the world a better place.

2023 Wind Turbine Project

Year 5 children - with the help of Mr Cargill - designed a wind turbine. The children were able to use any inspiration for their design, incorporating any theme they wished. The winning design also required 'Crumble' lights as a key feature of their design.

Altering Wind Turbine Blades To Increase Efficiency

Mr Cargill - from UK STEM - helped the year 5 children perform an activity that allowed them to observe the efficiency of their wind turbines. Children competed as countries to see who was able to produce the most energy.
