Welcome to 5 Oak!
Here are a few bits and pieces about our weekly routines for your information.
Our current topic is The Viking and Anglo-Saxon Struggle for Britain and the children are having great fun learning all about whether it is accurate to call the Vikings 'Vicious Raiders'. Later in the term, we will have a science-based topic about forces and also a short Christmas-based topic.
Our PE days are on Tuesday mornings (indoor) and Friday afternoons (outdoor) - children should come to school in their PE kit for these days. As we often have practices for the many sporting events that school participates in, there may also be other days on which the children will need their PE kit, but we will let you know whenthis happens. For PE, long hair must be tied back and only sports safety earrings can be worn. Please note: Children need to be able to remove their own earrings as adults are not allowed to assist with these.
Homework consists of reading, spellings and times tables. Spellings are sent out each Friday and are tested on the following Friday. Your child will also get a link to Ztype which is a fun website on which to practise their weekly spellings. Everyone is expected to read and complete their Book Club task every day so that they can participate fully in their group's discussions. Bug Club has some excellent online resources so please give these a try too!. All the children have been given log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars and Prodigy which are also really good websites to help them practise vital maths facts.
If you haven't already done so, please sign up for Class Dojo to keep up to date with what the children have been learning and how many dojo rewards they have received.