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- Parent Information

Our Partnership with Parents

We have an open door policy at Berkeley Primary School because we want parents to be fully involved in their children's education.  We welcome children and parents into the school at the beginning of the day and are available for any queries.  We do ask that parents make an appointment if they need a bit more time.


We ensure that parents are fully involved in school life and their child's education and we work hard to maintain good communication.  We have three parents' evenings per year, which are based on an appointment system.  We invite parents to reading cafés, SEND coffee mornings, festivals, celebrations, assemblies, sports activities / days, concerts and carol services.  Each term we have an 'Inspire' afternoon, where you will be invited to join in with your child's class with a lesson in the school hall.  We hold many information sessions to inform parents of ways to support their child's education.


Help is always appreciated in classes and parents regularly volunteer to come into school.  We are appreciative of parents with a talent, knowledge or interest to share sporting, artistic, craft, scientific, RE, etc.  Parents helping in school will be asked to go through the DBS checking process as this is required by law.


If you require any additional support as a family, please do contact us.  We have a team of family support, including a Family Support Worker (Alison Neall), Inclusion Leads (Hannah Bolton and Vicky Nutt) and SENDCO (Teresa Suddaby), that are here to help.

All our website pages can be viewed in different languages to help our families.  Please click on the coloured G at the top of the page and select the language - there are over 100 languages available.


If you would like a paper copy of anything on the school website please ask the school office staff and they will print this off for you free of charge.

Please click on the links below to take you to sections of our website that can help you support your child's learning.  Our Curriculum page has lots of information on to support you with this, most of the different subjects have parent / child support pages too.  If you cannot find anything or have any other queries, please contact the school or your child's teacher - you can do this on ClassDojo.
