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Homework at Berkeley Primary

Our Homework Policy can be found on the page below.

Homework is a very important part of a child's education and children benefit greatly from the mutual support of parents and teachers in encouraging them to learn both at home and at school. 


Our Aims

The aim of homework is:

  • to enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development
  • to give children additional time to practise, consolidate and apply the skills they learn in school
  • to promote children as independent learners
  • to enable all aspects of the curriculum to be covered in a greater depth
  • to provide educational experiences not possible in school
  • to prepare children for their future life within education as it gets them into the routine of learning at home
  • to build an effective partnership between home and Berkeley Primary School
  • encourage parents and carers to become involved with their children’s learning.


Homework across the school



At least 3 Reads each week

Year 1

At least 3 Reads each week

Year 2

Daily reading for Book Club sessions

Year 3, 4 & 5

Daily reading and related tasks for Book Club sessions

Times Tables each week

Year 6

Daily reading and related tasks for Book Club sessions

Times Tables each week

SATs revision


The amount of homework children receive increases as they move up through the school. We expect that KS1 children will spend approximately 1 hour on homework each week and KS2 children spend up to 2 hours a week. 


Year 1 to 5 will have no homework set across the holidays including half term holidays as we recognise the importance of having time to rest and complete leisure activities. We would encourage all children to continue to read during these times. 


Year 6 may be set revision tasks to complete over the school holidays to continue to prepare them for the tests and ensure there isn’t a break in their learning.

