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4 Beech

Welcome to 4 Beech

Visit here to view information regarding our class and to see updates and photos of the things that we have been learning and the work that we have been doing. 


Mr Dalgleish


Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Heaney



Book Club will continue as it did in Year 3. As well as reading and listening to each other, there is opportunity for lots of discussion and 'book talk'. At the end of each session, the children will be set a short homework assignment, for example, to read the next 5-10 pages of their text, in preparation for the next day's Book Club session. Once a week, they will also be set a short written activity to complete which will be related to their reading.

Reading homework can be done independently, or with an adult. Therefore, children will need to take their book home every day and bring it back to school the next day in an excellent condition. We aim to expose children to different text types, authors and themes throughout the year.


Children will also bring home a 'reading for pleasure' book from our class library. We encourage children to read these regularly. Children still benefit from hearing stories read to them so it is important that they spend time listening to their adults reading to them at home.


Find out more about reading at Berkeley here.



Spelling homework will also be sent home each week. This will consist of 10 spellings. Children can practise these online using their Spelling Shed logins.


Times Tables:

By the end of Year 4, children should know all of their multiplication facts up to 12x12. We practise our times tables multiple times a day at school and encourage children to do so at home too. 

Children have Times Tables Rockstars accounts which allow them to practise online. 



We have two PE sessions each week on Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (Indoor). Please ensure that your child is wearing their PE kit (white t-shirt, shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, trainers, etc) on these days. If your child wears earrings, please ensure that these are removed before school or replace these with plastic sports earrings.
