Who doesn't enjoy sporthall athletics?
This has to be the event at Berkeley that everyone wants to be a part of. The selection process is brutal, yet year after year, the children in KS2 put themselves forward to a part of our prestigious teams. Many breaktimes and lunchtimes are given up by the children and Mr Leek until the teams are finally selected. But...then it starts to get serious and the training and practice prepares the children for the competition ahead.
This year we practiced many of our events outside and once the team had finished working on their events, it was lovely to see so many other children from across the school asking if they could have a go at the different events that make up the 'field' events side of the competition.
Year 3/4
Our team performed brilliantly in the afternoon session (schools could attend either morning or afternoon with races being timed and resulted collated). The children dominated the track events and every one of them represented the school to the best of their ability and really did the school proud. As we couldn't see the times the morning teams had posted, our children had to push themselves throughout and hope their times were quicker than their morning counterparts.
When the dust had settled and the children had caught their breath, the results were finalised. Our children had finished....2nd. A fabulous achievement. Well done to all the children who represented the school.
Year 5/6
Having been champions for the last 12 years, our Y5/6 children work so hard to keep the streak going and this year was no different. Hours of time spent practicing really paid off again on the day and the children came away with gold medals and extended our run to 13 years. How the children maintain this year after year is a real testiment to their attitude and devotion. I was incredibly proud of them all again. Can we make it 14? We all know that one day this run will end but for this year we just need to celebrate the teamwork and excellence of our team. Well done!
Development Squad
Our development squad also came away with gold medals this year. As we have so many children who would love to represent the school, this squad is the perfect opportunity to give them them the opportunity to wear the school colours and it acts as stepping stone for future years. Mr Fell was immensely proud of each and every one of the children and seeing the smiles on their faces when they returned to school with a medal around their necks makes all the time I give up worth while. Keep smashing it!