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- Our Vision

Our vision Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day is at the core of everything we do. It underpins our teaching and learning, and provides an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


In Berkeley Primary School, we see oracy development as a priority. 

We want our children to become confident and competent communicators and to be able to use these skills in all areas of the curriculum.  Children will become 'future ready' by learning to express and articulate their own views, as well as listen sensitively and respectfully to the views of others.  We want our children to be able to make a positive contribution to both the local and global community.  'Every child at Berkeley Primary will find their voice.  We have been working with Voice 21 to help us achieve this and are well on our way to becoming a 'Voice 21 Centre of Oracy Excellence'. 


Our children love our new 'Oracy Assemblies' and 'Oracy Lunchtimes'.  We discuss, question, collaborate and engage each other on various topics.  We have a whole school oracy culture.


Below is what Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day means to us.
