We have high expectations of behaviour at all times in our school, the standards of these are embedded in our Behaviour Policy. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure. We want every member of the school community to feel valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We believe that high standards of behaviour can be encouraged by using a variety of consistent strategies throughout the school, which produce individuals with high self-esteem. By high self-esteem we mean that children and adults feel confident, needed and appreciated and feel good about themselves. They are aware that they are achieving at the school and they gain recognition from their achievements. They are happy to be themselves and have an inner calmness.
We use our Golden Rules and Oracy skills as the basis for our behaviour practice. We have a set of rewards and sanctions, which are known in the school and which are applied consistently and fairly by all. When applying sanctions we make a point of never criticising the person, only their actions. If action is required, the school tries to ensure that it is constructive. The cooperation of carers is actively sought.