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6 Holly

Welcome to 6 Holly's Class Page!


Teacher: Mr Fell

Teaching Assistants: Miss Talbot & Mrs Graves

Termly Topic


Our topic in the Autumn Term is 'Up the Iron' which is all about our local community and the impact the industrial revolution has had on Britain and the wider world. We will be looking at electricity and making circuits in science as well as building bridges in DT.

Our topics in the Spring Term are 'Light Fantastic' and 'Ancient and Modern Greece'. In Light Fantastic, we investigate how humans see and how light travels. In our topic Ancient and Modern Greece, we look at the impact Ancient Greece has had on Great Britain and the chronology of Ancient Greek events and where it fits into world history; through looking at a variety of sources and using our skills of historical enquiry. 

Our topic in the Summer Term  is 'Coast to Coast' which revolves all around the coasts of our country - as well as looking at the coasts around the world. In science this term, we will look at micro-organisms, our circulatory system and evolution. These topics all include some scientific investigation work.  



Every Friday, a set of spellings will be handed out for a test the following Friday morning. Please encourage your children to regularly practise these at home. Book Club reading tasks will be given daily and must be completed each night, ready for the session the next day. SAT's revision guides will be given out and homework assigned to help the children revise for their SAT's.



This term our outdoor P.E. lesson will be on a Wednesday afternoon and our indoor P.E. will be on a Friday afternoon. The children can come into school in their P.E. kit (white t-shirt, black or blue jogging bottoms/leggings/shorts, black or blue hoody/jumper and trainers).


Dojo Points.

Dojo points are virtual points that are awarded to children for various good behaviours. The children each have their own Dojo monster which they can personalise.

Each time the children reach a milestone of 250 points, they will be awarded a certificate. Parents are able to sign up to the Dojo app, using the password that will be sent home. I regularly update the site with information and photos. Please feel free to like and comment on the posts.



Reading is happening all the time within the classroom, and also within other areas of school. Specific reading skills are taught in English lessons, and children practise their reading across all subjects. We enjoy DEAR Time ('Drop Everything and Read') sessions, towards the end of each school day to foster a love of books and an enjoyment of reading. We also undertake various other reading-based activities throughout the year, in order to further the children's enjoyment and appreciation of a range of texts.  


Parents can support this 'reading journey' through regular reading at home. Reading to and with your child every evening for at least ten minutes can make a dramatic difference to a child's achievement within school.

A report from the Oxford University Press highlighted the importance of parents reading with their children.


'Children who read outside of class are 13 times more likely to read above the expected level for their age.'


The report also offers six tips for reading with your child at home, including:

1. Make time to read - even ten minutes a day

2. Choose different types of books

3. Take turns to read

4. Talk about the book- asking your child questions

5. Pay attention to the language

6. Enjoy reading


Book Club.

Beginning in Year 6, all children will be involved in Book Club. Children will read a section of a text/book or poem that the children will choose together, for approximately 20 minutes every day, within a small group. As well as reading and listening to each other, there is opportunity for lots of discussion and 'book talk'. At the end of each session, the children will be set a short homework assignment, for example, to read the next 5-10 pages of their text, in preparation for the next day's Book Club session. This reading homework can be done independently, or with an adult. Therefore, children will need to take their book home every day and bring it back to school the next day in an excellent condition. We aim to expose children to different text types, authors and themes throughout the year.


Bug Club.

Bug Club is an excellent online book resource where your child can access books that are suitable and appropriate for their ability. Usernames and Passwords will be sent home. If you have any questions or problems logging on, please contact me. 


Secret Storyteller.

We will have various Secret Storytellers visiting the class throughout the school year. If you would like to come into school or read to the children via Google Classroom, please let me know. 
