Hello! Your teacher is Miss Sultana and our lovely teaching assistant is Mrs Busby.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. We have an indoor PE session every Monday afternoons and an outdoor PE session every Friday afternoons.
Please ensure that your child is wearing their PE kit (t-shirt, shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, trainers etc). Due to the weather being cold, it would be best if the children bring a jacket with them as we will be having outdoor sessions.
If your child wears earing, please can you ensure that they are removed before they come to school.
Bug Club.
Bug Club is an excellent online book resource where your child can access books that are suitable and appropriate for their ability. Usernames and Passwords have been sent home. If you have any questions or any issues with logging on, please contact me.
The children will have Book Club homework every night which must be completed as well as a spelling and times tables test every Friday. They should practise their spellings and their times tables regularly. A great website to help them with their times table is https://ttrockstars.com/ .