Welcome to our class page.
Mrs Humphrey and Mrs Suddaby.
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Dewfall and Mrs Kafarski.
Lunch Time Supervisor:
Mrs Hill.
Dojo Points.
Dojo points are virtual points that are awarded to children for various good behaviours. The children each have their own Dojo monster which they can personalise.
Each time the children reach a milestone of 250 points, they will be awarded a certificate. Parents are able to sign up to the Dojo app, using the password that will be sent home. We regularly update the site with information and photos. We love receiving photos from the children of their pets and what they have been doing - it's a great way to develop their speaking and listening skills.
We have two PE sessions each week on Wednesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor). Please ensure that your child is wearing their PE kit (t-shirt, shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, trainers, etc) on these days. If your child wears earrings, please ensure that these are removed before school.
Reading is happening all the time within the classroom, and also within other areas of school. Specific reading skills are taught in English lessons, and children practise their reading across all subjects. We take part in daily 'Book Club' sessions in small groups, which children prepare for at home. We enjoy DEAR Time ('Drop Everything and Read') sessions, towards the end of each school day to foster a love of books and an enjoyment of reading. We also undertake various other reading-based activities throughout the year, in order to further the children's enjoyment and appreciation of a range of texts.
Please ensure your children are reading their Book Club book every night and completing their task. Children also bring home a 'Reading for Pleasure' book of their choice - please read and discuss this together. Reading to and with your child every evening for at least ten minutes can make a dramatic difference to a child's achievement within school.
Bug Club
Bug Club is an excellent online book resource where your child can access books that are suitable and appropriate for their ability. Children's login details are inside their reading journal. We encourage children to use this regularly at home and in school.
Secret Storyteller
We will have various 'Secret Storytellers' visiting the class throughout the school year. If you would like to come into school and read to the children, please let us know.
Reading Journal
Each class has a Reading Journal which is a special book in which children can record their thoughts, feelings and reviews of the books that they have read. A different child will be chosen to take home the journal each week. The journal contains further instructions and examples.
Every Friday, a set of spellings will be handed out for a test the following Friday morning. Please encourage your children to regularly practise these at home.
Times Tables
We strongly encourage children to practise their times tables at home on a daily basis. By the end of Year 3, children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 times tables. We practise chanting forwards and backwards and complete daily activities. Children can use ttrockstars.com and timestables.co.uk to help improve their speed.