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- Attendance

Every minute your child is in school is a learning minute and we believe those are too precious to waste.  We encourage children to have excellent attendance and celebrate those that achieve 100% termly and annually. It is important that the children learn the life skills of commitment and punctuality. Attendance and punctuality are monitored carefully within school. At Berkeley Primary School we strive to achieve 100% attendance.


Our school motto includes the importance of attendance. Every child has the right to a good education, Every school Day, which gives them Every Chance to thrive - both educationally and socially. Our children need this strong foundation.


So, get your school bag and uniform ready, switch off the electronics, set your alarm clock, get to bed early.  That way you'll be ready to do your best learning ... and we'll be waiting for you. 


Many thanks for the support of the vast majority of parents and carers in the school for ensuring good attendance for our children.  Our attendance figure from September 2023 to March 2024 is 95.2%.  We are striving to improve this and get it to at least 97% – we want every child to be 100%.  Good attendance is essential for a successful future for your child.  Research shows that some young people who regularly miss school can be drawn into anti-social behaviour or crime.  We want all our children to be happy and achieve, we want them to have a good education so they have choices and opportunities in adult life.


We monitor attendance very carefully so that we can support families.  The Government have defined the ‘persistent absence threshold/extended non-attendance’ as 90%.  We write and speak to parents on a regular basis if their attendance or punctuality is causing a concern and put in place measures to try to improve this.

BE ON TIME - school starts at 8:45am

Children from Reception to Year 6 should be in their classroom ready to learn at 8:45am. Even 8:46am is late! The classroom doors open at 8:40am and this gives children plenty of time to be on with their morning learning at 8:45am. Our children tell us they hate being late, missing the first few minutes of the day and it makes them feel unsettled for the rest of the day. So, set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier and get in on time please.
