Congratulations to Berkeley Primary School!
We've been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag!
After a year of hard work from our amazing Eco-Ambassadors, I am very pleased to say that we have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award! Our whole school are tremendously proud of themselves!
Please read the feedback we received:
“YAY! AMAZING - well done Lucy and the Eco-team for all your hard work. A fabulous feedback report,” Anna Cvijetic, Headteacher.
“Lovely to read all the positive comments on all the amazing things Berkeley have done to achieve this award. Well done Lucy and all your Eco warriors,” John Veall, Chair of Governors.
“Amazing work and well done. Huge achievement for all involved, thanks so much.” Emma Cole, School Governor.
“Congratulations Lucy and all involved! Just to echo what everyone had said this is incredibly important to our children and wider community, so such a worthy effort. The feedback was really informative!” Jocelyn Cole, School Governor.
Solar Panels
Over the last three weeks, we have been very busy at Berkeley Primary School having 208 solar panels fitted to the roofs of our Infant School buildings. The solar panels have now all been fitted and are already generating renewable energy! They each capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity that can be used around the school. Our Eco-Ambassadors have thoroughly enjoyed talking to the company and finding out lots of interesting facts.
This year, we have carefully thought about our school environment and are really pleased to say that we have hugely improved it! We have added a few bug hotels and a hedgehog house around our school garden to provide safe hideaways for wildlife. We have hung up bird feeders and houses around the whole school environment to help maintain the bird population. Finally, we have created a wild flower area in our school garden, which we're hoping will attract pollinating insects and other wildlife.
The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in our litter picking in the community! We took different groups around different areas close to our school. The children worked in pairs and managed to fill quite a lot of bags! We were all very surprised with how much we had collected, and even more surprised with the rubbish that was found! The children were upset by others dropping their litter close to or even next to bins. Seeing this first hand, it has definitely made a difference to the way our children think about litter.