Home Page

Year 1


Welcome To Year 1 


Mrs Elsagood is the teacher in Oak class. Miss Marshall is in Holly and Miss King is teaching in Beech.


Click on the leaves to find out more about the individual classes.

Our topics are below:

                             Autumn Term --  Blue Planet-- Remembrance --Toys

                         Spring Term -- We Can Be Heroes -- What Is It Made Of? 

                                      Summer Term -- To Infinity And Beyond


The Big Numbers Song

It's a numbers song for children and adults. Count from 0 to 100 and from a hundred to a trillion.This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video ...

Alphabet Song - ABC Song UK ZED Version! Learn the Alphabet, British English ABC Songs

UK English "Zed" version of our Alphabet Song! Learn your ABCs (and Zeds!) with Bounce Patrol. Can you sing all the letters of the alphabet from A to Z? Whis...
