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Illness and medical

First Aid and Illness During the School Day

We place a high emphasis on providing first aid for all children, staff and visitors to the school and ensure we comply with regulations.  We have numerous first aiders and resources and ensure they are available throughout the school day.  Portable first aid kits are taken on all school visits.  We administer first aid to children when needed.  All injuries are recorded on our electronic system.  Any serious incidents are reports in line with regulations to the relevant bodies.  If a child has a bump to their head or an injury which leads to significant bleeding carers will be telephoned.


If a child is ill during the school day we will contact carers to arrange for them to be collected.  The Medical Officer of Health has issued strict guidelines on the exclusion of pupils from school when certain diseases are contracted.  In the interest of the safety and welfare of the whole school family, we seek your co-operation in ensuring these guidelines are adhered to.  Please contact us for advice.  If your child has been sick or has diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 24 hours after the last occurrence.  

Please see the leaflet 'Should I keep my child off school?' for some useful guidance on different illnesses.


Please see the NHS leaflet below about Head Lice.  It gives advice on what they are, how to detect them and how to treat them.
