Dear Parents and Carers,
Please take a look at the information below regarding some exciting online resources available from the N.Lincs Libraries.
North Lincolnshire Libraries:
North Lincolnshire Libraries have recently extended the range of stock available on Borrowbox, an e-book and e-audio book service, and an exciting addition to libraries' existing on-line offer.
Library members can borrow 10 titles at any time, for 21 days, for free.
North Lincolnshire Libraries have a large range of high quality online resources for study and/or the reading for pleasure at home.
Please explore the link below:
North Lincolnshire Libraries online resources
All resource can be accessed free with North Lincolnshire Library membership.
Membership can easily be obtained by e-mailing
You will be enrolled remotely and your card number will be sent by email, which will give you immediate access to all our online resources.
During National Lockdown our community hubs are offering a limited service, more information can be found here:
Ready Reads ( click and collect service)
Ready Reads bags of books can be ordered by filling in this online form:
North Lincolnshire Libraries Ready Reads We Select, You Collect (
Many thanks