11th May 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
The Prime Minister announced last night that from 1st June at the earliest, primary pupils may be able to begin going back into school in stages, beginning with Reception, year 1 and year 6. I am sure you will have lots of questions about what the next few weeks will look like. We have lots of questions that need clarification too.
I wanted to let you know that, in terms of school, the next few weeks looks just the same as it has done since lockdown began. There is no change to the guidance. We remain open for the children of key workers and those who are considered to be vulnerable;
“Parents whose work is critical to the Covid-19 response include those who work in health and social care and in other key sectors. Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home AND every child who can be safely cared for at home must be.”
The Prime Minister stated that the government have been working on guidelines on how to make the ‘workplace’ Covid-19 secure. When we know what these guidelines are, we will have a much better idea of what is achievable in our school, and further action we need to take to ensure the safety of our staff and those children who are able to return. So far, we have not received this guidance.
The Governors and our Leadership team will work together, as we are given more information by the Government and the DFE, to see what we think might be safe and manageable to put in place at Berkeley Primary School on 1st June. We will keep you informed of our thinking and decision making.
We need very clear guidance on how it is possible to social distance in school and keep our children, all staff and their families safe too. Please be assured we will not be increasing the number of children in Berkeley or opening until we are 100% prepared.
The NAHT (National Association of Headteachers) has stated that:
“School leaders are still the people who know their schools best. If the national guidance (once known) cannot be safely applied in your school, you will retain the power along with your governing body to make decisions regarding the safety of pupils and staff based on your own individual risk assessments. This may ultimately mean that schools are not in a position to expand pupil numbers in the way the government has indicated on the 1 June.”
Our ongoing plan is to keep providing the online Google Classroom learning activities and feedback, to keep in touch via text, email and the app, phone calls to some of our families, and to continue to support each other during these difficult times.
Best wishes, stay well and continue to take care of each other.
Anna Cvijetic