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4 Holly

Welcome to 4 Holly


Mrs Humphrey (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Fowles (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)


Teaching Assistants

Miss O'Donoghue


Lunch Time Supervisor

Mrs Hill



We have two P.E. sessions each week on Monday (Outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor). 

On our P.E. days, please ensure that your child is wearing their P.E. kit (white t-shirt, shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, trainers, etc) and, if your child wears earrings, please remove these before school. Sports earrings can be worn for our P.E. lessons.  No other jewelery should be worn. 



In addition to their daily Book Club reading task, the 10 spellings that we are learning in class each week are also sent home at the start of each half term. They will be tested on Fridays.  Also, regular practice of Times Tables is a vital part of the children’s homework, ready for the Multiplication Check in the summer term. Little and often is the key to success. These can be practised using the Times Tables Rockstars website, with the log in details that have already been sent home. 

Our Topics

Our topic for the Autumn term is South America. We will learn about South America's terrain and climate.  We are learning about the Amazon Rainforest and the animals that live there. 
