Welcome to 4 Beech's class page
Teacher: Miss Benstead
Teaching assistant: Miss Kafarski
Our topics
This half term we are focusing on the diverse terrain, climate and way of life in South America. We will look at the different species that live in the Amazon Rainforest and will discuss the impact of deforestation on these animals.
In Science we will explore how to classify different animals before exploring food chains.
We are looking forward to sharing our art work with you, creating collages inspired by the work of Beatriz Milhazes and Romeo Britto.
Specific reading skills are taught in English lessons and children practise their reading across all subjects. We enjoy DEAR Time ('Drop Everything and Read') sessions, towards the end of each school day to foster a love of books and an enjoyment of reading.
Book Club
Children will read a section of a text/book or poem that the children will choose together, for approximately 20 minutes every day within a small group.They are set between 5-10 pages to read at home in preparation for the next day. As well as reading and listening to each other, there is opportunity for lots of discussion and 'book talk'. Once a week, the children will be set a short written homework task.
We aim to expose children to different text types, authors and themes throughout the year. Pupils also have access to a wide range of reading for pleasure books that they can bring home to read. If pupils would like to bring in a book to share with the class, we would love that too!
Bug Club
Bug Club is an excellent online book resource where your child can access books that are suitable and appropriate for their ability. All the children have been given their login details, which are stuck inside their reading journal.
Times tables
In year 4, pupils are expected to know all of their times tables up to 12x12. In the Summer term, all pupils will complete the statutory multiplication tables check. In preparation for this we have daily times tables practise and pupils regularly have the opportunity to go on Times Tables Rockstars and Hit the Button. Many pupils in the class have asked for times tables worksheets to complete at home, this is purely done when they want to and is not sent as homework.
Pupils can access these websites at home for extra practise: