I am pleased to report that our current attendance rate stands at 95.30%. This is a positive figure, but we know there is always room for improvement – we’re aiming for 97%. Evidence shows that the pupils with the highest attainment at the end of each school year are those with the highest rates of attendance.
Unfortunately, most children will have some absence from school, usually due to illness. It is important, however, to remember that not all illnesses mean your child cannot attend school unless obviously unwell, and that your child should return to school as soon as they are able. The longer children are away from school, the harder it may be to fit back into school life, and the more school work they miss, the harder it will be to catch up. Even though written work can be caught up, the lesson itself cannot be re-taught, and valuable explanation or group activities can be lost.
It is also crucial that children are punctual. We start teaching at 8.45am, as soon as the children enter the classroom, so it is important they're not missing any of their learning. The aim is to get to school for 8.40am, so they have 5 minutes to get settled into their classroom. This makes for a great start to their day.
We need to hear from you every day that your child is absent from school. Contact must be made by 8:45 am. Please ring us on 01724 867065, we have a message service if you want to ring early and leave a message. If school has not heard from the parents, the school will follow up any absences to ascertain the reason, ensure proper safeguarding action is taken where necessary, identify whether the absence is authorised or not and identify the correct attendance code to use.
The school attendance officer, the school's inclusion team and I, alongside the Governors, local authority's school attendance support officer and the department for education regularly monitor our attendance data. Parents will be informed promptly of any concerns which may arise over a child's attendance. This usually happens when your child's attendance drops below 93%. This will be done via phone call or in writing. Schools have a legal duty to give parents regular updates where their child's attendance may be of a concern. If no improvements are made or where attendance levels are an ongoing concern, parents will be invited into school for a meeting to agree ways to improve levels of attendance. Attendance is discussed at all early help meetings as part of the set agenda.
When pupil absence escalates and they miss 10% or more of school (equivalent to one day or more a fortnight) schools and local authorities will work together to put in additional support. Children missing more than 10% of their time at school are classed as persistent absentees.
Taking holidays during term time can significantly disrupt children’s learning and development. The school calendar is carefully planned to ensure that all children receive the full educational experience they deserve. Please note that any absence taken without prior authorisation may result in a fixed penalty notice, which can lead to a fine. Following Government guidelines, we do not authorise holidays. We urge you to plan family holidays during school breaks to avoid these penalties and to support your child's education.
We support parents to perform their legal duty to ensure their children of compulsory school age attend regularly, and will promote and support punctuality in attending school on time.
I hope this letter has provided you with a clear understanding of the importance of attendance and punctuality at Berkeley Primary School. We need to ensure that every child has every chance to succeed every day. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.