Dear Parents and Carers,
As instructed by the Government last night, we have re-looked at our offer to parents for care of children during this partial closure. We are only offering places to the very few children whose parents are both key workers or a sole parent who is a key worker. Many parents who fall into this category, who are able, have wisely made other arrangements to ensure the safety of their families.
I have arranged to have only a skeleton staff in place that meets the needs of the children coming to school. This helps to keep our staff and their families safe and well too.
I have attached the instruction from the government for your information in the letters section and have emailed it to all parents.
You can continue to contact me by email at, but please only do so if it is very important so I can ensure I can focus my work on who needs it.
I wish you all well.
Best wishes
Anna Cvijetic