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Home Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are now closed to children as a school and will be partially open as a child care function for Key Workers.  Our staff are fully supportive and ready to take on this important work whilst we can.  This ensures we will all get the care and supplies that we need over the coming difficult months.  I am so proud of the staff for being so proactive and flexible in such trying times.  We have a great team.


We have been busy over the last week setting up a system to try to support carers at home with continuing some form of education at home.  Good luck with this.  Our system:


- we have set up a 'Home Learning' page on the school website on the 'Children' section

- this will have lots of links you can use, advice and will have the Google Classroom link

- all the children who were in school were shown how to use Google Classroom and were given log in details, if your child was not in school the teacher is getting the log in detail to you

- on Google classroom we will be setting and giving feedback on work

- this week teachers will set 2 English, 2 maths, 1 science and 1 topic activity and these should be available by Wednesday,  keep checking if they're not there

- subsequent weeks, activities will be available from 9am on the Monday to 7pm the Sunday and will include 3 English, 3 maths, 1 science, 1 topic and 2 other subjects

- Mr Dalgleish has set up a 'Help' button where you can get technical support, this is on the Home Learning page.


Please do NOT email me or Mr Dalgleish for any queries on how to do some of the work.  If you or your child are not able to access the work, please skip it and try something else.


Best wishes


Anna Cvijetic

