Dear Parents and Carers,
We will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee here in school next week.
Children will be taking part in lots of Jubilee related activities throughout the week.
Children in Reception to Year 6 will be putting their art skills to the test as we are also having a Portrait Competition of Queen Elizabeth II.
Friday 27th May- Picnic Lunch/ Red, White and Blue Day
Children are invited to dress in red, white and blue/ non-uniform on Friday 27th May.
The school lunch on Friday 27th May will be a picnic box and if good weather, all children will be sitting out on the field to eat it. If you would like your child to have the picnic box, then please select this the normal way via ParentPay. If you have already selected your child’s lunch for this date, then please login your ParentPay to reselect the lunch as the options have now changed to the picnic box choices. Please note, this will be the only school lunch option on this day so children will need to bring a packed lunch if they do not want the picnic box.
(All Reception and Year 1 children will be having the picnic box)
Picnic Box Menu:
A selection of scrumptious sandwiches – Ham, Cheese or Tuna
Pizza whirl, mini sausage roll, carrot and cucumber sticks
Bottle of water
Jubilee cupcake or fresh fruit
Nursery Children:
Tuesday 24th May- Picnic Lunch/ Red, White and Blue Day
Nursery children are invited to dress in red, white and blue/ non-uniform on Tuesday 24th May.
Your child will take their packed lunch or school sandwich lunch outside on this day to eat on the field, if good weather. If your child is having a school sandwich on this day then please select this the normal way via ParentPay.
Best Wishes
Anna Cvijetic