We will be celebrating the King’s Coronation here in school on:
Wednesday 3rd May for Nursery children.
Friday 5th May for children in Reception to Year 6.
Children are invited to dress in red, white and blue/ non-uniform on this day. They will be taking part in lots of Coronation themed activities and singing the National Anthem during the day too.
The school lunch on Friday 5th May will be a party themed lunch. If you would like your child to have this lunch, then please select this the normal way via ParentPay. Please note, this will be the only school lunch option on this day so children will need to bring a packed lunch if they do not want the party lunch.
(All Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children will be having the party lunch)
Party Lunch Menu:
Sandwiches- Tuna, ham or cucumber & cream cheese
Sides- Mini pastry rolls, potato wedges, garlic dough balls and carrot & cucumber batons
Desert- Vanilla ice cream