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Parent's Evening Spring Term 2025


Parent and Teacher Consultations have been organised for Nursery, Reception and Year 1 to Year 6 on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January (3.30 – 6.30pm), apart from a few changes to Nursery:


  • Nursery will be on Wednesday 29th January only (3.20-6.30pm). Each appointment will be a 10-minute slot. Please note, the booking system will show 5-minute slots due to both Mrs Bennett and Mrs Waters leading these appointments.


We will be using the online booking system again for booking appointments. You will shortly receive an email inviting you to book an appointment with your child’s class teacher. Once you have received the email, please select the date and time you wish to book for. Only available time slots will be displayed. Once you have selected your time and confirmed your booking, you will receive an on-screen reminder of the booking followed by an email confirmation.


Please note, the system will only send an email to the person who is listed on our records as contact number one. Parents who have more than one child at our school, will receive a separate email for each child. If you have not received an email by Friday 17th January, please contact the school office by phone (01724 867065) or email ( to ensure we have your current email address. The online booking system will close on Monday 27th January at 6.00pm.


Parent’s Evening is an opportunity for you to have a look at your child’s work and speak to your child’s class teacher about progress and targets.  I will also be available during the evening if you would like to speak to me.  We expect 100% attendance and need to see all parents.  There will be no after school clubs on Wednesday 29th & Thursday 30th January.


Meetings will be held in classrooms, there will be a waiting area in each school hall and you will be able to look at your child’s work.  Please could all visitors use the main entrance for the infants and juniors and come to the appropriate building for each appointment. Nursery and Reception meetings will be held in the main infant building.


We look forward to seeing you here at the school, having an opportunity to share some of the lovely work the children have been doing and discuss their progress and attitude to learning.
