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Refugee Week - Celebrations on Friday 21st June


We are planning a fun week of activities to celebrate Refugee Week (w/c 17th June), including kite-making and an art / poetry competition.


As part of our celebrations, we will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday 21st June. We invite children to dress in the colours of a flag of their choice. This might be the flag of the UK or another country that is special to them. (For Nursery children this will be Wednesday 19th June.)


We are raising money for North Lincs Sanctuary Group - a group of volunteers who support newly arrived families in our area.  They offer friendship and practical help, providing everything from essential household goods to cookery classes.


A suggested donation of £1.00 would be gratefully received which will be sent to the North Lincs Sanctuary Group.


In the afternoon we hope to have a picnic on the field.  We will be providing some snacks.


Children are welcome to bring their own picnic items to share if they wish (they will have had a school dinner so won’t need much) and please send a drink in with them.


Best wishes

Mrs Angie Humphrey (EAL lead) and Miss Faye Marshall (PSHE lead) 
