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School closed over May half term holiday (25-29.5.20)

Dear Parents and Carers,


Following a Leadership team meeting we have held today, which included our Chair of Governors, we have decided that school we be closed to all children (including key workers and vulnerable children) over the May half term holiday week.  Home Learning will cease for this week, with no further work set or feedback given on the Google Classroom.  If you wish to continue the home educating please access the many websites shared.


Our staff have worked exceptionally long hours for a sustained period without any breaks.  It is vital for the welfare and well-being of our staff that they have the period of leave they are entitled to this week.  This will enable us to plan and prepare for the re-opening of school, which the Government is currently intending to put in place for the 1st June for certain year groups.


We have begun planning for this, taking into account the information and changing guidance that I receive on a daily basis.  As it is changing so frequently, I will not be able to share this with parents and carers until the end of next week.  I will do this in the normal way through email and the school website.  We have completed thorough risk assessments and we are working on maintaining 2 metre social distancing for all children and staff.  Each classroom is able to hold a maximum of 8 children.  To enable us to do this the year groups stated (Reception, Year 1 and 6) will likely be offered part-time places. 


Key workers and vulnerable children will continue with a similar provision as is already in place (full-time and based on parent rotas).  


Best wishes


Anna Cvijetic

