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  • Are our packed lunches getting healthier?

    Wed 23 Jan 2019

    Berkeley Primary School are currently taking part in the Let's Get Healthy programme and one of the areas we have been trying hard to improve, is how healthy our packed lunches are.


    In September we understood what children were bringing to school in their packed lunch and we were a little surprised! However, since children participated in the 'woah, slow, go' classroom session they have been able to identify some foods and drinks that fall into these categories and are now more aware of what a healthy packed lunch could include. 


    It is extremely pleasing to see that there have been some great improvements since the start of the academic year, with the following changes being made:


    6% increase in the amount of wholemeal bread compared to white bread

    6% less crisps 

    5% more water

    8% more children bringing 1 or more pieces of fruit

    9% more children bringing 1 or more pieces of vegetables


    Well done everyone, keep up the hard work!


  • Say hello to the Berkeley Language Buddies...............

    Fri 18 Jan 2019
    We have just launched our exciting Language Buddy initiative in Key Stages 1 and 2;  children have volunteered to be Language Buddies, their role is to support children who share their languages.  The Buddies have already proved very valuable in helping to reassure and support children new to our school;  the  Buddies are proud of their language skills and these skills are valued and recognised by other children and adults in our school.
  • BigTalk Parent Information Session- Thursday 10th January 6pm

    Tue 08 Jan 2019

    Please come along to our Relationship Education Parent Information session on Thursday 10th January at 6pm.


    Please arrive at the entrance area of the Infant building. A facilitator from Big Talk will cover in greater detail what is included in the programme. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions as a small group or individually. 

    Thank you
