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  • King's Coronation Celebrations

    Fri 28 Apr 2023


    We will be celebrating the King’s Coronation here in school on:


    Wednesday 3rd May for Nursery children.


    Friday 5th May for children in Reception to Year 6.


    Children are invited to dress in red, white and blue/ non-uniform on this day. They will be taking part in lots of Coronation themed activities and singing the National Anthem during the day too.


    The school lunch on Friday 5th May will be a party themed lunch. If you would like your child to have this lunch, then please select this the normal way via ParentPay. Please note, this will be the only school lunch option on this day so children will need to bring a packed lunch if they do not want the party lunch.

    (All Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children will be having the party lunch)


    Party Lunch Menu:

    Sandwiches- Tuna, ham or cucumber & cream cheese

    Sides- Mini pastry rolls, potato wedges, garlic dough balls and carrot & cucumber batons

    Desert- Vanilla ice cream

  • After School Clubs Summer Term 2023

    Fri 21 Apr 2023


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    We have been organising our extra curricular activities for this term. We are offering a variety of enrichment activities for the children, trying to cater for a range of interests and age groups. I am sure that you will join me in thanking our great team for giving up their own time to volunteer to run these clubs for our children. The list of clubs available this term are on the reverse of this letter.


    If your child would like to join a club then please log on to your ParentPay account where the clubs available for this term will be listed for you to select. To make this process fair you MUST ONLY select ONE club for your child. If you select more than one your child will be cancelled from all clubs selected.


    Booking opens from Tuesday 25th April at 4.00pm where you will then be able to view and book your child onto a club. As there are limited places at each club, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If a club is full then the ParentPay system will not let you book onto a club. If you have yet to use ParentPay and need your login details, then please call in at the school office.


    All clubs will start from Tuesday 2nd May apart from the Wellbeing Club, which will start from Tuesday 9th May due to the Strike Day and the Art Club, which will start from Monday 15th May due to the Bank Holidays. All clubs will run until Friday 30th June.


    Gooch Judo will continue their sessions on a Wednesday in the Junior Hall. There is a £3 charge for this per week, £24.00 for the full term. Payment for the full term must be made via ParentPay at the point of booking. Please note, once payment is made, this is non-refundable so should your child be absent from school or no longer wants to go to the club, we are unable to refund this back.


    Once a child has signed up for a session, we do ask that children stay committed to their activity for a term and attend each week.  If for any reason they are not able to attend, please can you ensure that the activity leader is made aware.


    As always, Infant children will need to be collected at the end of their after school activity. We recommend that Junior children are also picked up from their activity, but this is parental choice. Please indicate whether your Junior child will be collected or allowed to walk home on the ParentPay system when booking onto a club. Please ensure you are punctual when collecting your child at the end of the club.  Should you be late on more than one occasion then your child will unfortunately not be able to attend the club.







    Monday 3.15-4.15pm

    Mrs Cvijetic



    Tuesday 3.15-4.15pm

    Miss Marshall

    Tag Rugby


    Tuesday 3.15-4.15pm

    Mr Fell, Mr Leek & Mr Spencer



    Wednesday 3.15-4.15pm

    Mr Jones



    Wednesday 3.15-4.30pm

    Gooch Judo

    £24.00 for the Summer Term



    Thursday 3.15-4.15pm

    Mr Jones

    Comic Book

    *Lunchtime club


    Thursday 12.00-12.30pm

    Mrs Marsh

    Maths Booster

    *Invitees only


    Friday 3.15-4.00pm

    Mrs Fowles


  • EID Celebration in school- Monday 24th April

    Tue 18 Apr 2023


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Eid Mubarak to everyone!


    Eid is an extremely special celebration for Muslims as it marks the end of Ramadan and is known as the "Festival of breaking fast." It’s a joyful time spent with family and friends, celebrating Eid with the people you love, eating a lot of food (mainly desserts), and thanking God for all of the love and strength Muslims have been given. On this day, many people sit down to a feast with family and friends, wearing their best attire, and donate money before going to the mosque. For many children, this is a celebration to look forward to; many are spoiled with new clothes, treats, gifts, and money. We hope you have a lovely Eid!


    We will celebrate EID in school on Monday 24th April.


    Each class will have a party in the afternoon on this day. We would like children to come to school in their special clothes/ party clothes and wear them all day.


    We would appreciate you helping with food for the parties. The children will be having a normal school dinner, but some treats for the parties would still be appreciated.  Please could you send the treats in with your child on this day and they will be distributed for the children to share. We request that you make sure there are no nuts, strawberries or bananas in anything to ensure children with allergies are safe. School will provide drinks, cups and plates. 


    Thank you for your continued support and we hope the children enjoy celebrating this occasion.


  • School hours changing- Proposed amendment

    Tue 18 Apr 2023


    18th April 2023
    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Proposed amendment from September 2023
    to Berkeley Primary School’s opening times

    The Government's 2022 white paper laid out plans for all mainstream state-funded schools, such as ours, to provide a 32.5 hour week, or 6.5 hour days, by September 2023. Currently, we are short of this target by 15 mins. Therefore to meet the new requirements, we need to extend the school day.


    Following consultation with our Berkeley Primary School Governing Body, we propose from the start of the 2023/24 academic year (Tuesday 5th September 2023), our school day will start at 8:45am and close at 3:15pm. This will bring us in-line with the new 6.5 hour day. The gates and school doors will open at 8:40am for the children to start making their way into the building and will close at 8.50am (after this time you will need to bring your child into the main office and register them with the office staff).


    These times were chosen after much discussion, we considered: - the start and finish times of our local primary school St. Augustine Webster (they start at 9:00am and finish at 3.30pm) to avoid congestion on local roads by starting / finishing at different times. - that due to the soft start we already have (opening gates at 8:45), we feel this change would not impact parents and children much as the majority of children come into school at 8:45 currently.


    We appreciate this may impact you in terms of childcare or working arrangements and therefore we would welcome any feedback you may have. If you require any further information or have any questions, comments or suggestions please email me at: by 28th April 2023.


    Best wishes
    Anna Cvijetic
