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  • Class organisation and teachers for September 2020

    Fri 26 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope you are all keeping well and safe.  We have been making our plans, hopefully for being fully re-open for September 2020, welcoming all our children back to school.  We will keep you updated with progress towards this as we get more information from the Government and they say it is safe to do so. 


    This year, because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are having to do our transition a bit differently from a 'distance', as we have to continue to limit the numbers of children in school. 


    Our staff are all very busy teaching different year groups to normal.  They are in small bubbles and need to stay within these bubbles.  This limits the number of people they are coming into contact with to keep everyone safe.


    The children will stay with the same children in their class from Year 1 to Year 5. Please look on the sheet in the Letters section which teacher your children will be moving to;

    1.  Look at the green column first (labelled previous class) – find your child’s class.
    2. Follow this line to the purple column and this will tell you your child’s new teacher in September. 
    3. The pink column gives you your child’s new class name.


    For example:

    Current 1 Beech, is moving into Year 2 Oak with Craig Goodall.

    Current 3 Holly is moving into Year 4 Oak with Lucy Burnett.

    Current 5 Oak is moving into Year 6 Holly with Amy Marsh.


    Our current Reception children have been organised into new classes for Year 1 in September 2020.  You will shortly receive a text message which will inform you who your new class teacher is.


    Our new Reception children in September 2020 have been organised into three classes with Helen Earl, Catriona Card and Alice Dowse.  Parents of new Reception children will receive a telephone call next week from your child’s new teacher, letting you know which class they are in and their transition arrangements. 


    Our Nursery children in September 2020 will be with Charlotte Bennett (teacher), Vicky Waters (Early Years Practitioner) and Iwona Wardalinska (Teaching Assistant).  They will also be ringing parents next week about transition arrangements.


    We have set up a ‘Transition for September 2020’ page within the ‘CHILDREN’ tab on the school website.  On this page each year group have done a ‘Meet your teacher’ page so the children can read a little about who their new teacher will be.  You can click on the link below:



    We look forward to seeing all of our children back at school.


    Best wishes

    Anna Cvijetic





  • Changes for key workers and vulnerable group

    Fri 12 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Key Worker and Vulnerable Parents,


    Many thanks for sending your rotas in for next week and the week after.  Things are changing again as the numbers of key workers and amount of shift you are doing have gone up. Therefore I need to split some of the year groups (Year 1 and 2 and Year 3 and 4) into two groups to ensure they fit into each classroom with the 2 metre distance, based on numbers coming.  We also have less flexibility to add shifts, as some sessions are 'full' based on space in classroom.


    Y3-6 key worker / vulnerable children will come across to the junior building from Monday 15.6.20, allowing Y1-2 to spread out more in the reception building. Nursery and reception children will continue to use the Nursery building.



    Breakfast club for key workers will continue to be in the reception building.  If you use breakfast club please continue to bring your children to the reception building.  Year 3 - 6 children will then be taken over to the junior building for 9am. 


    YEAR 3, 4, 5 AND 6 CHILDREN

    - Year 3 and 4 children will be using the Year 3 classrooms, at the back of the junior building.

    - Year 5 and 6 children will be in Mr Leek's Year 5 classroom. 

    - If you arrive at 9am please go past the main junior door, down the path between the bins and the kitchen, round to either Mr Leek's classroom (Y5 & 6), Y3 & 4 continue round the corner to the door just past the wooden outside classroom building which is the end of the Year 3 corridor - a member of staff will be waiting there and we will be there to help direct you.  

    - Please wait at the junior gates at the end of the day at 3.15pm and the children will be brought out to you.

    - If you drop off and collect your child within the school day please continue to do so by going to the main reception office and speaking to the admin staff who will bring the children in or send for them to come out.  





    Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle and school lunch each day.


    Many thanks

    Anna Cvijetic

  • School Update

    Fri 12 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Parents and Carers, 


    I hope you are all keeping well.  We welcomed back more children this week in Year 1 and 6, it has been great to see more children in school and teachers have very much enjoyed 'teaching' once more, even with the new routines and rules.  Our number of children of key workers has also grown over the last few weeks, as lock down starts to ease and parents are being asked to return to work and to do more hours.  


    All staff are allocated to 'bubbles' and spaces in school are all used.  As you will understand, we have a maximum of 6 children in some spaces, with one or two members of staff (depending on needs) maintaining the 2 metre distance.


    Due to both factors we are now full and are not able to take any more children in.  We will not be taking anymore Year 1 or 6 children.  Reception will not be able return to school currently.  We will not be able to accept anymore key worker children. 


    We will be closing to all children on Friday 17th July 2020, for the 6 week Summer holiday.  Essential maintenance is planned in the infant and junior buildings and the whole school will need to be deep cleaned ready for re-opening.  Since the start of the crisis, our staff have worked tirelessly and ceaselessly to support the children who attend our school, many of our staff have not had a break since the crisis started.  We have reinvented our school, established remote learning and provided care for the critical workers and most vulnerable children.  We have responded to endless guidance and updates from the government, whilst trying to keep parents as informed as we can.  We will use the summer to recharge our batteries ahead of the most challenging autumn term and new academic year we shall ever face.  


    We are waiting to see what the Government have planned for September, and will prepare for this accordingly.  We hope, like you do, that school will be open and back to 'normal' by then, if it is safe to do so.  We are currently working on how to do some remote transition for our children, so they know whose class they will be in and get to know these teachers a little before we begin back.  


    Best wishes


    Anna Cvijetic


  • Showing symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19)

    Fri 05 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    If your child or a member of their household has symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19), they MUST stay home and self-isolate and you MUST inform the school immediately.


    What happens if a child or staff member shows symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19)?  (see symptoms below)


    When a child or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus (Covid-19), they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days from when the first person in their home started having symptoms.


    Where the child or staff member shows symptoms, the rest of their group/bubble within the school will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider group/bubble do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms.


    Can children be tested for the virus?


    All staff and children will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19).  Members of their household are also eligible.  If the child or staff member showing the symptoms are tested and this comes back negative the group / bubble can return to school.  We will encourage testing so the group / bubble have the information they need swiftly.


    As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the child’s cohort or in the wider education setting, Public Health England’s local Health Protection Teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise our school on the most appropriate action to take. In some cases, a larger number of other children and young people may be asked to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure - perhaps the whole class, site or year group.


    Accurate contact numbers and parents must be available


    We must be able to contact parents swiftly during this time.  Please ensure you have your mobile with you and turned on whilst your child is at school and that we have the most current contact numbers.


    What are the main symptoms of coronavirus (Covid-19)?


    The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

    • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
    • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


    Thank you again for all your support at this time.  Take care and stay safe. 


    Anna Cvijetic (Headteacher) and Governors of Berkeley Primary School

  • Changes to the routines for key worker and vulnerable group

    Thu 04 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Parents and carers,


    As you will be aware from the 8th June we will be re-opening to more children, with some year 1 and 6 children starting back at school.  These children will be in the infant and junior building. 


    We have been instructed by the government that these children should be in groups or 'bubbles' with allocated staff to the bubble.  These 'bubbles' are not allowed to mix with any other people in school, to try to minimise the amount of contact everyone is having.  The Government are updating guidance on safe practice daily and we are following this.


    With this in mind and due to an increase in the amount of key worker and vulnerable children we have in school, we need to make some changes to the routines and practice with the key worker / vulnerable group - known as 'KEY WORKER' group.  We also want to move more towards some 'schooling' rather than the child care we have been providing.  We cannot create such tight bubbles like the Y1 and 6 as children are only in some days / times of the day and this changes from week to week, but we have moved towards this by grouping them.


    So, the changes from Monday 8th June:

    - the children will be split into age groups (Nursery and Reception together, Year 1 and 2 together, Year 3 and 4 together, Year 5 and 6 together)

    - each age group will be in their own classroom within the reception building or nursery building (Nurs and Rec in the Nursery unit), Y1 & 2 in Mr Woods classroom (right), Y2 & 3 in Miss Earl's classroom (middle), Y5 and 6 in Miss Card's classroom (left)

    - each group will have an allocated outdoor space

    - Breakfast club will continue for key worker children only in Miss Earl's classroom in the reception building (they will then be directed to their room at 9am)

    - All Nursery and Reception children arriving after 9am should now use the main nursery door to enter and exit

    - All Y1 - 6 children arriving after 9am to continue to use main reception door, keep 2 metres apart whilst we bring them in

    - Please continue to use us only when you need us because you are working

    - Continue to drop off and collect to fit your work pattern (this will keep the amount of children reduced and stagger drop off and collection)

    - The back gate from the junior car park will now be locked again to ensure security for the Year 1 children. We need this group of children to please now come and go past the main infant entrance (to the left of the car park), go round the side of the building past the bins and bike shed and the infant kitchen to the reception and nursery building.  There is a gate there which will be open until 9.10am then locked, open again at 3pm.  It will have the DOORBELL on it, in between the hours of 9.10am and 3pm please push the bell to ring several times to get the attention of staff in the reception building.  It is basically go left round the end of the school to the back, some of you will have used this entrance previously.  There will be signs up to help saying 'KEY WORKER GROUP' so follow these.

    - This group of children need to continue to bring their own packed lunch and water bottle.  They should not bring anything else to school (no teddies, snuggles, own toys, etc please).

    - Please ensure you child has sun cream on in the morning and a sun hat as we will continue to use the outside space as much as possible.

    - The children will continue to be encouraged to keep 2 metre distance from each other and staff, tables have been set out like this to help them.

    - The children (particularly the older ones) will be taught more formally, but there will still be plenty of choosing and play activities.  This is why we have created the age groups to help with this

    - The children have their own pack of resources (including crayons, scissors, pens, etc)

    - Parents must still not enter the school building, continue to email me with any queries or telephone the school

    - Children will continue to wash their hands regularly, as they enter the building and hourly throughout the day, before and after they eat

    - If children fall over or have a toileting accident they will be encouraged to change themselves and clean their scrape or cut. We have sourced PPE (following the Covid 19 guidance for Educational Settings) which is for use only for staff protection should a child vomit, not for trips, falls or scrapes. If it is not possible for the child to clean themselves in the event of an accident, the parent will be called to collect them so they can do that at home.

    - Children are still to come in non-uniform, their clothes should be clean each day

    - Finally, please can you continue to keep to the 2 metre social distancing when dropping and picking up your children from school.  Use the route for this group (do not go through the infant playground).  There will be more parents and children on the school grounds, we have staggered start and finish times to alleviate this.


    I thank you again for your support and bearing with all the changes as the guidance from the government gets updated.  If you have any queries, please email me by pressing reply.


    Best wishes

    Anna Cvijetic

  • Home Learning

    Wed 03 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope you are all continuing to keep well.  We have been very busy preparing for more children (currently Year 1 and 6 children) to return to school and we are finalising our plans this week ready for Monday.


    I thank those parents and children that continue to keep up with their learning using the Google Classroom and other home learning resources.  As our teachers will ALL be teaching from next week, I have to be mindful of their workload.  This means from Monday there will be a decrease in the amount of assignments set for children at home.  Each year group will be set 2 English assignments, 2 Maths & 2 Foundation subjects (including one Science lesson). 


    You can continue to use the other ideas on the Home Learning page to supplement this learning, including the BBC resources and the Oak National Academy lessons the Government have set up.  Your child may also receive less feedback on their learning.


    Please continue to support your children with their learning as best as you can at home.  Keep up the good work.


    Best wishes


    Anna Cvijetic


  • Groups (bubbles) have been sent out today

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Anna Cvijetic

    Dear Year 1 and 6 parents,


    Thank you to those who completed the Google form sent a few weeks about requesting / declining places at school.  If you completed the form indicating you would like a place, you will have received an email this afternoon stating the Group number and which 2 days your child will attend, starting next week. 


    If you answered no or did not complete the form your child has not been allocated a place for next week.  We support your decision and we will continue to help you with home education using the Google classroom.   The Government have confirmed again today that non attendance will not be pursued currently.

    If you would like your child to have a place at school in the forthcoming weeks, you must give us at least 7 working days notice.  You should inform us by email to this address.  We will only accept children into school that have been allocated places by us so please do not just arrive at school as you will be sent home again.


    If you have any queries, please get in touch by replying to this email.


    Best wishes


    Anna Cvijetic

